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More FREE Stuff

I am the type of person that likes free stuff and most people are like me. Now after spending most of my working life looking after other people I am now able to spend some time improving me!! You know it is hard finding information that is credible and honest. It is also scary when I look around and see the amount of stuff...good and bad...on the internet. It used to be that you had to pick up a book to find out something but no longer. Having choices when it comes to my health is very important to me and also being treated like I have a brain!! Very refreshing to say the least. http://happydietnews.com/?id=15144 is a site that lets you try diet plans for free...yup...FREE. It also gave me a choice between 5 so I could pick which suited me. Check it out if you are like me and could stand to lose some weight!


Thursday 11 February 2010

The truth about detox diets revealed

The new buzz word at this time for dieters are The Detox Diets.  Everywhere you look some movie star or pop star is touting their version of a detox diet. They claim to cure everything from cellulitis to headaches and of course weight loss.

I guess that losing weight is on a lot of people's minds but not eating some of the main building blocks of your body seems dangerous.   You need protein to build tissue and muscles.  You need milk products for strong  bones and teeth.

Being a retired nurse has always made me wary of these fad diets.....hopefully you are cautious as well!!  I have found a web site that gives you a FREE Report on the Top 10 Diet Myths Exposed.  Check it out and as it is free, you have nothing to lose.  Check it out here, Top 10 Diet Myths Exposed


Monday 8 February 2010

Hot to lose weight and look fabulous in your new bathing suit!

ahhh..the summer is coming soon and the winter take out food has taken its toll on you and I. The perfect bikini is right there in the store window and I want it!! Okay, what do I have to do to lost those extra pounds and look FABULOUS.

Okay, I know that being overweight is also dangerous to my health so if I can get twice the benefits out of this...wow!! Just the thought of heart disease, strokes and kidney failure at my age is not cool and yet being overweight is the number 2 killer behind smoking.

Okay, I am ready to start...I want to walk onto that beach and turn heads!!